Your Safety Is Important!
Dear patients and friends,
During this time I know people are on edge and worried about the possibility of contracting or spreading the novel coronavirus (COVID-19.) so I am written to let you know what we are doing at the office to keep us all safe! It is my number one priority to ensure that you are receiving quality and evidence-based care. In the wake of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, I wanted to make you aware of the policies I have put into action, in an attempt to promote your safety and well-being.
As of now, March 23rd, 2020, our office is remaining open virtually and in person to meet your women’s health needs.
In-person visits will be limited to visit types that require an examination or procedure and will have to be approved on a case by case basis by Dr. Sims. In the case of a shutdown we may restrict in person preventative care. All patients who are requesting this type of appointment during a shutdown will be added to an appointment wait list so that when we are available to provide this service again we can call you and schedule your appointment. This decision to limit preventative visits during a city or state shutdown is based on the statistical modeling on the spread of Covid-19 for Texas.
All visits that can be performed remotely will be scheduled as such. You will receive instructions on how to see Dr. Sims during your HIPAA compliant, virtual visit in your confirmation email. If you need any assistance in setting up your virtual visit or logging in our staff will still be available 9 am-5 pm to assist you. If you are using insurance for your visit, we will verify coverage for this visit type. If your insurance does not cover virtual visits, or you are self pay, our staff will call you to discuss your options. For patients who think that they must come in for an office visit their reason for their visit must be a gynecologic urgency and it must be approved by the doctor on a case by case basis given the risk/benefit ratio to the public given the spread of Covid-19. This is also in line with the decision to shift Crossroads ObGyn and Wellness to a telemedicine based practice. For more information on that please click here. For those patients that do come into the office please take note of the precautions that also will be taken to protect your health.
Because I am in such close contact with people on a routine basis, my cleaning and sanitation procedures are already better than most places you visit. Specifically I am doing the following for both office locations:
I wash my hands between every client or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer before making skin contact during clinic visits.
I use disinfecting wipes to clean the exam table including thoroughly between each and every client using an EPA registered, hospital grade disinfectant, for the appropriate contact times as indicated on the product’s label..
I also use gloves and will be wearing a mask during the treatment of all patients. I want to reassure you during this time that I am making every effort to keep my office, the waiting room, my exam tables and myself clean and free of any contaminates.
I am using disinfectant wipes on all surfaces every day including pens, door handles and any area you might come in contact with.
We are also limiting patients to be seen one a 1:1 basis (no other patients or guests while you are being seen) to limit your exposure.
In addition every patient that does come into the office does complete a written screening as well as a temperature check to even further reduce risk.
All patients also will be required to wear masks.
I am also taking vitamins and supplements to keep my immunity higher, as well as keeping myself away from people who might be sick, so I don’t catch something and share it with you. Please note that if you have a fever or a dry cough you should also stay at home and not come into the office. If you have had any travel in the past 30 days we also recommend that you do not come into the office until it has been at least 14 days since you have returned from these locations.
If you think you are sick or are coming down with something, even if you think it is just a cold, and you have been approved for an in office appointment please reschedule your appointment. If you think that you need a Covid-19 screening because you think that you need a test or are having symptoms please contact us so that we may set up a virtual visit as well for your screening. We are NOT offering COVID-19 testing in our office. Please visit our website at to schedule your virtual appointment. Simply click on the virtual visit appointment type that applies to you. If you would prefer to schedule over the phone please call 832-415-0376.
For those that will be forced to reschedule their appointment trust me I know it can be difficult to change your schedule around. But if you do have something contagious, I could spread it to the next client coming in, not to mention that it could be days or weeks that I am out of work. Also we must remember the public health risk to us all if you come to an office visit when it is not absolutely necessary and you become an asymptomatic carrier and then you infect someone else. I appreciate each and every one of you and I hope all of you are keeping well and staying safe!
How can I prevent the spread of the virus?
-The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.
-The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.
Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
-These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.
-Please follow the CDC’s recommendations for adequate hand washing with soap for at least 20 seconds, frequently throughout the day and if your hands are visibly dirty
-If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol
-Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose, or mouth with unclean hands
-Sneeze into your elbow folds, not your hands
-Avoid contact with those who are sick and if you can stay at home, stay at home! We must flatten the curve to relieve the strain on both healthcare equipment, personnel and improve public health.
-If you are sick, wear a face mask. Otherwise, it is not necessary to wear a face mask
More details on prevention can be found here:
If you want other ideas on Holistic Ways to Improve Your Immune System during this time please check out Dr. Kourtney’s blog post on this topic.
Dr. Kourtney will be posting information and health tips to her social media accounts. Be sure to follow for updates.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please use your patient portal or call 832-415-0376
Thank you for your understanding. You, your families and loved ones are in my prayers during this time
Many Blessings,
Dr. Kourtney Sims M.D., F.A.C.O.G., N.C.M.P.